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Wait, Don’t Panic!

By Kathy Pickett

After a much needed vacation last month, we were all getting packed up ready to go home. We enjoyed our trip white water rafting in West Virginia but even our pets missed the comforts of their routines. I went to grab my phone and had nothing. It was charging all night but maybe upgraded or something. I need to remember to turn it off on occasion!

My husband and I tried different things but only saw a blank screen with no sound. I then, of course, panicked! I didn’t need it then but right away thought of all my photos and videos. They can’t be gone, can they? Isn’t it amazing how reliant we are on technology these days and are so quick to go to the negative.

The whole car trip back I tried REALLY hard to not think about any of the what if’s with the phone. An expert will help us at the store when we return so distract yourself already! I looked at some of my spiritual books or listened to music and for me, that was the best thing.

Finally, I decided to ask for help in a different way that was less panic-filled. I said to the Universe if I could have a #SIGN, something just to reassure me all would be o.k., just to relieve my anxiety.

I had to let it all go even though it was a challenge. When we got to the store a few hours later, the guy fixed it in no time and all was well. What a relief and yet such a silly thing to obsess over.

About an hour later, I found three blue jay feathers in my yard. These brought me tears and laughter. Feathers are my SIGN and blue jays, especially. The first one I ever got was a few years ago when my writing began and then became my book #SpiritandBelief. My request was heard and even though the problem was resolved, the Universe was with me all along.

Just like with phones, we need to reset sometimes too but approach things calmer and without panic. Once I finally did that, my mind was receptive to the #Universe and my intention was heard. Of course I wanted the phone fixed but more importantly, I needed my attitude fixed. Lesson learned for sure.

I will remember to not panic next time but also turn things over to a power greater than I and know it will be resolved in due time. My wish is for you to do the same. Challenging? Yes! Worth it, absolutely......


I'm Kathy Pickett, author of Spirit and Belief, which chronicles my intuitive psychic experiences with a deceased celebrity. It began as a blog that went international, which transpired into a book of my experiences. I hope to debunk myths surrounding #mediumship, #spirituality, and celebrities in spirit. By sharing my story, I wish to inspire others while following their intuition everyday.


Follow Kathy on her website, two blogs, and social media: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest Spirituality board, YouTube, and LinkedIn. (website, book info, and new spirituality blog) (her Ultimate Warrior blog stories)


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