Patricia Ann Uhr: Pat is the founder and owner of ~Harmonic Journey~
Pat is dedicated to bringing enlightenment to as many like-minded people as possible: through hosting events, classes, and workshops. She makes this all possible with her true dedication and love.
~ Patricia Ann Uhr is truly a blessing to us all. ~
Rev. Debbie Michaels
Author of
Rev. Debbie Michaels: After a Death Experience on January 2, 2003, Debbie Michaels began to hear The Angels speak. Her Death Experience sent her into a Spiritual Emergence. To say the least this Spiritual Emergence has changed her life entirely.
Rev. Debbie Michaels is a Recognized Clairvoyant; Author, Spiritual Counselor, Extreme Empath; Ordained Angelic-Reiki Energy Healing™ Master Healer, Teacher, and Practitioner.
Rev. Debbie Michaels has helped many Gifted Individuals understand their Spiritual Gifts; Rev. Debbie is the Psychic to the Psychics; and founder of Where Angels Gather’s Spiritually Gifted Souls Discussion Group. Meetings are held the first Sunday of each month at Where Angels Gather. For more information including location, date and time please visit
She is the Author of several books including...
Angelic Signs and Symbols-The Language of the Angels
Are You Ready-Connecting with Your Divine Guides
Angelic-Reiki Energy Healing Level 1 & 2
To schedule a private Angelic-Psychic Reading or other service you may contact Rev. Debbie Michaels by visiting
Rev. Tim Brainard: Has been a minister for 30+ years and has done thousands of readings, he also has appeared on Fox News and several different radio shows.
Rev. Tim Brainard is currently on Radio 97.1 FM in Ashtabula on Thursdays mornings at 9:00am. He is a jack of all spiritual trades and is well known in Lily Dale for his Medium-ship abilities.
Rev. Tim Brainard is also a master at meditation classes and teaches one each month here at Harmonic Journeys. He will help you learn how to develop your psychic abilities and listen to your own voice. This gives you opportunity to help others and receive messages from the other side, because all they want to do is help. Make sure to check our Event Page for date and time
To schedule a private reading you may contact Rev. Tim Brainard by calling 440-964-0457 or 440-478-8323
Linda Street “Healing From Your Heart, Inc."
Linda has been practicing with frequencies of the Divine, techniques, affirmations, and the energies of the Earth on herself and in assisting others in creating positive life changes. She has also used these techniques in a corporate environment, teaching about frequencies, energy, and the use of positive affirmations.
Linda is a Spiritual Teacher, Energy Channel, Energy Coach, and Intuitive. She has authored a book titled, “Rays of Light” – Listen to the Dark. She has attended many classes, workshops, conferences, and lectures and has obtained numerous certifications in the field of energy work and working with healing modalities. Linda lectures and teaches in the Cleveland area, and offers "Rays of Light sessions, classes, and workshops.
Please visit Linda’s web site at:
Phone: 440-360-7854
Tim Uhr: is an area published author who writes mostly works of fiction.
He has published novel Touched with another To the Sea.
He has a website and a blog where you can read some of his diversified writing, from new age to comedy to commentary to literary to science fiction to etc..
Jane Voneman: Is a Psychic and Medium in the Avon Lake, Ohio area
Jane has done over 2,000 readings. She has helped with several missing items and dogs and helped work on a missing person case in New York. Jane Voneman works with the spirit world to give people messages from the other side.
Jane is the host of her small local cables T.V. show in the Cleveland, Ohio area. Please visit Jane’s website at or you may reach her by calling 440/933-7566. Jane’s television show can be seen through peg central Avon Lake. The show is called "Honor the Magic Within"
She is also an inventor of Spirit Dice, paranormal game, will be discussing how she healed a major health condition after years of taking antidepressants, and going to doctors, but they would say nothing was wrong. Jane had our Lady of Guadalupe, a brown robed figure, appear to her in an ambulance and said many things to her, now Jane helps try to find missing person cases with her psychic abilities, by using the angels and spirit guides who speak to her daily. Jane worked on the Amanda Barry and Gina Dejesus case and went with detectives to help with it and thought all along that they were still out there and alive and in the area. She was accurate on a lot of things she told the detectives.
She has written two books "Tune Into the Magic Within" and "Arc Ancient". They can be ordered online through
If you would like a reading please contact Jane by email her
Bill Tuma: is a professional astrologer who has been practicing in the Greater Cleveland area for over 30 years. He is an accomplished writer who has written for national publishing houses, including Llewellyn Publication. He is knowledgeable in many areas of astrological study including natal interpretation, forecasting, synastry and karmic astrology.
You may reach Bill by calling 440-237-1992 or email
Jan Litterst of Empower Excellence has learned much about Personal Sustainability from the 18 years she has spent in Financial Services.
She has have also learned much about the Sustainability of the Earth from almost 2 decades in the public sector and through my whole lifetime being dedicated to environmental and local food issues. Personal Sustainability, where each individual strives for mental, emotional, physical, and financial stability, must come first followed by Family Unit Sustainability, Community Sustainability, and then Environmental Sustainability where each area is interdependent with the other areas. She has travel through this process and learn how important each individual is to sustain Planet Earth.
You may contact Jan by calling 440-670-2252 or email Jan and remember to check out Jan’s web site at
Eve Baird and Paul Black
Paul Black – Paul is a computer scientist, musician, and songwriter. He has been participating in Human Awareness Institute (HAI) workshops since 1995 and has been a volunteer with HAI since 1996. “It has changed my life in so many ways, it’s difficult to articulate,” he says. Along with his partner, Eve, in his spare time, he presents HAI mini -workshops to give others an experience of the transformative power of this work.
Eve Baird - Eve has been involved in the human potential movement for over 25 years. “ If self growth and development is available-- I’m there.” She says. A small service business owner for over 25 years in this area, she has been a volunteer leading mini-workshops for the Human Awareness Institute (HAI) for the past 5 years. “Of all the workshops I’ve done, these have been the most powerful. I love them and I love making them available to others.”
Paul and Eve lead HAI mini workshops on Loving Communication –Tools to be happy, open and free
Join us for beautiful, fun events designed to open the heart, loosen up some programming, decrease fear and create possibilities of connection and closeness with all the folks in your world. Our programs are experiential and designed to give people a taste of what is available through attending a full weekend Human Awareness Institute (HAI) Workshop.
For more information please visit
Lara Rininger is a certified holistic health coach who empowers holistic practitioners and others to create a self-care plan for themselves through her unique combination of holistic nutrition, massage therapy and lifestyle coaching to achieve their dreams. She is also a licensed massage therapist for the state of OH and is the owner of Aspire Holistic Healing Arts. She was trained in more than one-hundred dietary theories and has studied a variety of practical lifestyle coaching methods. She helps her clients create a completely personalized “roadmap to health” that suits their unique bodies, lifestyles, preferences and goals.
Having had a few serious health challenges herself, she knows what it is like to have to completely relearn what foods and lifestyle choices work for you to be happy and healthier. One of the most important things Lara has found it necessary for her clients to practice is learning how to detox. Bodywork is wonderful and can be tremendously healing, however, most of us are so overloaded with physical and emotional toxins, it is important to clear all of that out before true lasting and beneficial healing can begin. She teaches her clients how to detox all areas of their life starting with their physical bodies. Everything is connected and detoxing is a great first step towards feeling better so her clients have the energy and clarity to achieve their dreams.
Learn more about working with Lara at her website:
Rev. Jan M. Sawyer-Ney: Rev. Jan M. Sawyer-Ney, Founder of The Healing Tree L.L.C., Usui Reiki Master. Our mission statement is to provide Alternative healing methods to help create an overall sense of well-being physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Jan is currently being trained in Angelic Reiki-Energy Healing™, Level I.
What is Reiki? Reiki is a Japanese form of Energy, Natural, Hands on Healing. It is a safe, gentle, and non-evasive method used for promoting healing, stress reduction and deep relaxation. Reiki aids in the healing process of any health condition, illness, injury or trauma. Reiki relieves pain and improves the effectiveness of other treatments including surgery. Reiki is safe for animals. Reiki is recommended in conjunction with any recommendations of you medical professional. It is not a substitution for traditional medical treatment. Reiki is safe for animals.
Each Reiki Treatment is individualized and based on the client’s needs. The Client remains fully clothed and in a sitting position. The Reiki Healer will place his/her hands above or on the client’s body. Reiki works with energy so the client may experience: heat, pulsing, or tingling sensations where the practitioner places their hands.
Jan has completed Spiritual Insight Training I at Fellowships of the Spirit, Lily Dale, NY, September 2011. Jan was ordained into ministry at Where Angels Gather, The Fellowship in April 2011. Jan received her ART and Reiki Master attunements in February 2011, Level I and Level II attunements in May 2010. Visit our website for more information
Treatments are 15 minute sessions for a $20.00 Free Will Contribution.
You may reach Rev. Jan M. Sawyer-Ney By calling The Healing Tree LLC at 440-622-2909, e-mail or by visiting
Theresa Manjas: Is a Psychic Astrologer, Palmist, and Tarot Card Reader specializing in Business Astrology.
To schedule a Private Consultation, Party, or Lecture please call 440-943-1814
Judi Bar has studied movement and spirituality her whole life. She was a professional dancer and choreographer, and has been teaching over 30 years. Her most profound teaching experience has come from her own life. Crippled with a degenerative spinal disease, and given the choice of surgery or a wheelchair, she instead turned to her years of yoga training. In conjunction with her physicians, she used Yoga, Reiki and Intuition to heal herself. She carries this life-changing empowering philosophy into her teachings.
Compassionate, spiritual, fluid, and credible describe Judi and her teaching. She helps her students to live mindfully and to blend what they learn on the mat into their lives. Her specialty is chronic illness and pain, and turning these challenges into opportunities for emotional well-being and spiritual growth. Judi has developed a style of yoga, “therapeutic yoga”, first to help heal herself and then to help her students.
Judi has a wide range of experience working with physical, emotional, mental and spiritual challenges that include muscular skeletal problems, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, leukemia, AIDS, cancer, heart disease, arthritis, Parkinson’s, migraines, depression, MS, osteoporosis and many others. Judi collaborates with physicians, chiropractors, massage therapists, counselors and physical therapists on treatment plans.
In addition to being the Director of Heartlight Yoga Center, Judi is the Yoga Program Manager at The Cleveland Clinic’s Lifestyle 180 Program, a disease reversal program, under Dr. Michael Roizen. You may reach Judi through David Boyce 440-781-7180
Mary Alice Mastrovito began her teaching career in 1972, and has since presented programs and workshops in a wide variety of contexts. At Looking Deeper, she weaves the varied threads of her life and training into a tapestry that includes Soul Coaching®, Reiki, Flower Essence Therapy, Meditation, Garden Design and a deep respect for Nature.
Sophie Pace: " 'Death or Drama...You chose! ' "
"I began studying metaphysics in my mid-forties when I realized I knew myself better as a child...
With a lot of devastating and unhealthy drama under my belt, I needed some answers about who I was as a, I began to question, explore and research...everything from wholistic foods to art therapy...from inner child work to walking on hot coals...from listening to spirit talk to me in the shower to turbo-ing myself into my spirituality by working at a 52-acre educational retreat center called, Ishpiming, in Winchester, Wisconsin from 1995-1997...
I have since named myself a "Vibrational Alchemist" which means I use the energies of color, an angelic harp healer...and the written and spoken word through my adult cut out books to help people express themselves fully in order to better understand themselves in order to find their's like like turning basic chemicals into gold...we just all need a little "manipulation with a magic potion thrown in for good measure."
In 1989 I heard spirit whisper just the title of my first book and an idea in my ear while living in Indianapolis. I continued living my everyday life raising my family and being creative...always knowing that sooner or later the pieces would have to gel...that was the metaphysical law that I believed in...and I knew timing was also's synchronicities continued to support my belief and strengthen my faith.
Today, as I am self-publishing, "When Will I Wear Red Again???," the first book of my trilogy, THREE WINGS WAVING, I know those energies have come together...and it is clear that I do what I do to help people re-kindle and re-dream their I had to do to go forward in life...if I can find the formula to take me from considering suicide to singing daily praises when I see the day's sun come up, I can help anyone who is even the slightest bit willing do the same thing! And that's my truth!
You may reach Sophie Pace at
Heather MacLeod is a counselor who holds a Master's Degree in Education and is certified by the Ohio Chemical Dependency Professionals Board. Contact her to receive her newsletter. "Feed Your Soul" addresses food addiction through education and spirituality. Call 440-864-0668 to schedule an appointment at her Rocky River office or for more information. MacLeod Counsel, LLC
Discover Your Inner Treasure for Success
Everything you need to experience the success you desire and to live the life of your dreams is already in you. It's in your inner treasure... your True ME... your Magical Essence.
Learn 3 Simple Steps to reconnect to your inner treasure
Ann Rusnak is the founder of A R Success and the Inner Connection Club. She is the author of the upcoming book, Sailing the Ocean of Possibilities.
She wakes up everyday with such excitement and confidence knowing she is pursuing her passion. So many amazing things keep happening in her life.
There was a time it wasn't so. She grew up believing that she was not okay as a person, nothing she did was right, and, which lead to such depression and actually attempted suicide once.
Than she had a daughter and made a promise to God that she would love her and care of her better than my parents raised her. She thought her own negative self esteem couldn't be healed but in the process of loving my daughter unconditionally, She learned to heal and love myself.
She helps woman entrepreneurs remove the blocks and limiting beliefs that hold back their success, restore their confidence and belief in their potential so they can build a business that will make a difference, while enjoying life, happiness and experiencing their ultimate desired dreams.
She is so excited to share a simple process with you to discover your sense of power and reconnect with your true self. Giving you clarity, courage and confidence to be how you are meant to be and get excited about fulfilling your purpose.
Jeff Bogart is a Registered Investment Advisor who lives in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, with his wife, Antje, and their two Belgian Sheepdogs. He has been helping people with their investment and life planning issues for over 25 years. At the beginning of 2012, Jeff tied together his wealth management expertise with his passion for yoga to form Yogic Investing. He has appeared in The Wall Street Journal and has been a speaker at several Midwest yoga festivals. He and his Belgian Sheepdog, Carlos Santana, participate in Therapy Dog programs, specifically, hospital & nursing home visits and children’s reading programs. Please feel free to email him at: or call: 216/292-8700.
Marie Thellian, MS
NeuroHeights, LLC Program Director & Neurofeedback Trainer, A Non-Invasive Service
Marie received her training and certification in NeurOptimal neurofeedback with Valdeane W. Brown, PhD, founder of Zengar Institute and creator of NeurOptimal. She previously trained with Siegfried Othmer, PhD, a pioneer in neurofeedback and Chief Scientist of theEEG Institute.
Marie earned her Master’s degree in Rehabilitation Counseling at Boston University. She managed regional offices serving the needs of deaf and hard of hearing persons in southeast North Carolina and in Cleveland Ohio. Marie is a Master Teacher in Usui and Karuna Reiki.
“Through my offering of neurofeedback I have the opportunity to witness significant growth in people. I get to see the excitement and joy in clients and their family members as they see positive shifts in their lives: in their performance at school, at work, in their artistic and athletic endeavors, and in their relationships. Neurofeedback training is often a transformative experience and I am fortunate to have the opportunity to share it with others!”
Juanita Mazzarella: Group Akashic Record Readings
The Akashic Record is the past, present and future of all recorded data. It is laid down as energy frequencies in "The Book of Life" and can be accessed or retrieved through the Sacred Prayer via an Akashic Record Reader. Juanita invites you to a very unique and sacred meeting of knowledge, healing and energetic alignment to Source, self and Mother Earth as we come together to receive information and healing from the Masters, Teachers, Guides and Loved Ones working through us. Each person is free to ask a question, but know that your question may be answered via someone else's question. We are creating a collective energy of peace, love, and joy and the opportunity for all of us to share in its overflowing abundance.
Juanita Mazzarella is a massage and Reiki energy therapist, and Reader of the AKASHIC Record. Juanita has the gift of Reading the Akashic Record or the Book of Life. She is able to tap into the Universal Consciousness with the Sacred Prayer and bring forth Healings and Information through the Readings using God's Divine Wisdom, Energy, Love and Power. She holds a bi-monthly group Akashic record readings at Merging Hearts for people to improve the quality of their lives and their energy.
Rose Schneider Energy Healer, Language of Light Practitioner, Spiritual Guide
Rose Schneider is a gifted energy healer and intuitive counselor with over 12 years of experience and training. In her work she draws on decades of her own growth, deepening, joy, and evolution. Her passion in life is to help as many people as possible to access their own spiritual knowledge and live their best lives.
The modality of energy healing Rose uses is called Language of Light which she describes as a psycho-acoustic form of energy healing that sounds like an ancient, universal, or soul language. As Rose intuitively channels Language of Light, stuck energies dissolve and there is a realignment and balancing of your energy field. Language of Light can also help facilitate physical healing. The encoded tones and the presentation of the sound energy is transmitted in a way that provides you with exactly what you need and are ready to receive at that point in time.
For more information about Rose and Language of Light, please visit her website at
To contact Rose you may email her at or call her at 216-470-1457.
Rev. Liz Madsen CNHP, RMT Certified Natural Health Professional, Natural Health and Energy Consultant, Reiki Master-Teacher, Animal Communication/Pet Psychic, and Paranormal Spirit Reader
I can telepathically communicate with animals, if you would like to know what your pet is thinking or would like to tell them something I am able to help you out with that. I can also talk to your pet that has passed on. Also, if your pet is having a health or behavior issue that needs to be worked on I can put together a Bach Flower for them. Bach Flower Recipes may help work on emotions which is where a lot of issues come from.
I also do Natural Health and Energy Work. One of my specialties is Light Touch Therapy. It may help to balance you side to side and front to back. If you need help deciding which Herbs may be right for you, need your Chakras cleared, a Reiki Treatment, Quantum Touch, Qi Gong, Jin Shin Jyutsu and Gemstones for healing. I also teach classes to learn how to do Reiki.
I also can clear out any ghosts in your home or office, and get rid of the negative energy they leave behind. They need your energy to stay here.Don’t give it to them. Have them removed
I am looking forward to helping you or your pet feel better or just stay healthy on a natural path.
With infinite love and gratitude, Liz 440-552-9915
Warren Grossman, Ph.D. is a graduate of Kent State University and The Gestalt Institute of Cleveland’s three year post graduate program.
He practiced conventional psychotherapy until a trip to Brazil left him desperately ill. He became aware of the energy inherent in nature, and that he could draw on it to recover.
Warren has spent the last 23 years paying attention to simple reality—
What it is like to stand on the earth and to lie on it.
How to love, as a moment to moment choice, not how to wait for its fortuitous occurrence.
How to heal others by using nature and the energy of the heart.
Teaching these natural skills to others
He has done this by:
Spending hours outdoors, paying close attention to the meeting place of his body and nature.
Opening his heart to people in need
To Be Healed By The Earthis in its second edition.
Dr. Grossman combines his scholarliness with his natural gift for healing. This lovely book explains simply and clearly that physical health and emotional well being come from reconnecting with nature and from love—and how to do these things.
The inspiring second edition of this guide to drawing energy from the Earth is updated with new material that teaches a unique approach to forging essential bonds with the natural world during an age when nature’s importance to human life is so often ignored. For more information please visit
Sarah Saxby is a health and food educator that respects the uniqueness of each individual she works with while creating a diet and lifestyle strategy that produces long-lasting, positive results. Graduating Summa Cum Laude from Hawthorn University with a certification in Holistic Nutrition, Sarah currently resides in Cleveland, Ohio with her three children. Sarah is a lively and high-spirited advocate of living a life of optimal health, free of pain and disease. You can contact her at 216-647-5791 or and learn more about her services at
Margie Stocker is a certified Feet and Hands Reflexologist...Her mission is help others relax and heal themselves. You may reach Margie by calling 330-323-7137
Integrated Wellness: 24500 Center Ridge Road, Bldg 4, Suite 120 Westlake, Ohio 44145 440.899.1300
Diane Skalsky: is a Healing Touch for Animals® practitioner and a Reiki Master. Her interest with holistic therapies grew out of her desire to help improve the quality of life for her pets, many of whom which are considered “special needs.” Using animals as her teachers and crystals as her tools, she has brought both together to offer the animal kingdom Gem Essences for Animals™—unique, one-of-a-kind essences to help meet energetic needs of our animal friends. These essences are all natural, non-toxic solutions that are free of preservatives, alcohol, fragrance, and dye. For more information visit
Lisa Ackim, LMT
Lisa has been a licensed massage therapist since 2004. She’s been practicing Thai Yoga Massage for over five years. She considers being a massage therapist to be the best profession in the world, because it allows her to make people feel fantastic. Lisa also taught massage therapy at Sanford Brown College and has been a member of the Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP) since 2006. When she is not practicing massage, she enjoys running and yoga.
Erica Cambarare, CYT,CPT
Erica is a Certified Yoga Teacher with a passion for helping her students gain strength and flexibility. Additionally, she loves that yoga can reduce stress and improve self-confidence both on and off of the mat! Erica keeps each class new and fun with an eclectic use of music. She is also a Certified Personal Trainer and brings a mind/body approach to her training sessions.
Nadine “Ddeani” Feighan, RPT, BCPP, MSSA
Ddeani is a Reiki Master and a Registered Polarity Practitioner. She practices Elemental Reflexology and Holistic Counseling. She has studied meditation and energy medicine since 2010. She has a Master’s Degree in Social Work Administration.
Susan Jenkins, LMT
Susan holds a Massage Therapy license with the State of Ohio and has been a Reiki Master since 2011. In addition to Swedish and Deep Tissue Massage, Susan offers Craniosacral, Myofacial Release and Trigger Point Therapy. She continues to be amazed and awed by the power and benefit of healing touch.
Michael McClure, Lac
Buddy Ross, ND, BSN, RN, HNB-BC
Buddy’s services include natural health consultation for all health challenges and all ages, health, life and wellness coaching to improve well-being, Reiki, and integrative relaxation sessions which combine Reiki with deep breathing, aromatherapy, and foot massage. Buddy uses the Wellness Inventory, a life balance self-discovery tool used by the military, spas, and healthcare facilities across the nation as a framework to help clients discover where to begin on their holistic journey.
Jim Zychowski
Jim is a Shamanic Reiki Master, graduate and teaching assistant of the Warren Grossman School of Healing. Jim offers Energetic Foot Treatment as grounding for healing to occur. He is a student of the Tao and has a strong connection to the energy of the Earth. Jim is a long distance runner who has been running barefoot year round.
Michele Zychowski
Michele is a Holistic Health practitioner, educator, and counselor with 10 years experience in the Holistic healthcare field. She is a Reiki Master and is trained and certified by the Warren Grossman School of Healing. Her background includes many years of working with troubled teens in both psychiatric and residential settings including Hanna Pavilion, the Jewish Children’s Bureau and she works with students at Hiram College. MS,
Dr Adam Davis, D.C., Dipl. Ac., D.I.B.A.K was born and raised in Jefferson Ohio.
Dr. Adam Davis, D.C.
After graduating from Jefferson High School, he received his Bachelors of Science degree in Biology (Pre-Med) from Youngstown State University, Youngstown Ohio.He went on to receive his Doctorate in Chiropractic from new York Chiropractic College, Seneca Falls Ny and has practiced Chirpractic in Ohio since 2006.
In addition, Dr Davis is a Diplomate in Applied KInesiology and Acupuncture and oversees the Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation facilities at Di Salvatore Chiropractic Clinic.He also specializes in Nutritional Counseling and weight management.
He is also the Cheif Physician at The Reiki Room in Lakewood Ohio, and offering Chiropractic medicine, Nutritional Counseling and weight Management as well as Acupuuncture and food and allergy testing.
What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic supports the concept that maintenance of proper function of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems can provide for better health.
Chiropractic is a form of health care that is drugless, non-invasive and actively promotes health.
Chiropractic care is holistic, meaning that the entire body and a person's lifestyle are examined and treated. When a chiropractor works with a patient, the cause of the patient's physical problem is addressed and lifestyle factors that may affect the problem (such as diet, posture, exercise and others) are modified to speed recovery and prevent recurrence.
Chiropractic care uses natural health methods such as exercise, nutrition and diet and lifestyle modification to promote wellness.
Roseann Heinrich: Angel Therapy Practitioner
Roseann has studied the work of the Angels in our lives for the past seven years with Christina Lunden .
In Oct. 2010 Roseann became certified as an Angel Therapy Practitioner after completing the required course by Doreen Virtue.
Her training includes studies in energy medicine, neurolinquistic programming, astrology, and intuitive training and she is a reiki master. Roseann rounds out her energy work as an accredited Tai Chi instructor since the year 2000. You may reach Rosemary through
Gina Tatsumi: Owner of The Reiki Room-Healing Arts Center
Gina Tatsumi has been practicing the healing art of reiki since 2001 and has been a reiki master since2004. She is the owner of The Reiki Room located on Cranford Ave. in Lakewood Oh.
The Reiki Room is a healing arts center offering reiki treatments and reiki classes, massage, chiropractic services, acupuncture and supplement and nutritional counseling. Classes on Gem and Crystals are also available; as well as tarot readings and a monthly psychic fair.
In addition to reiki, Gina is also a gifted artist creating stained glass Gem and Crystal Cleansers, and wire wrapped jewelry.
Her artwork will be for sale during the Holistic Fair.
Chris Gregor: Psychic palmist- has studied a variety of religious, scientific, and philosophical paths. She started studying meditation to help himself. Her work has grown out of sharing with others what she has found to be effective to obtain self-awareness and understanding. She believes in helping people to find their own talents, gifts, and spirituality. Relationships are a speciality. For appt. call 330-864-2592
Dahna Fox: is a Certified Akashic Records Teacher/Consultant and Life/Business Coach.
The Akashic Records are the energetic recording of every thought, word and deed since the beginning of time and beyond, including your Soul’s intention for this lifetime. Dahna has worked with the Akashic Records for over 17 years. She travels nationally as an Akashic Records workshop leader, lecturer and spiritual counselor. Dahna will be offering individual Akashic Records consultations at the Fair or you can call 216-392-5490 to schedule your telephone consultation.
Listen and call in your questions to her internet radio program, Akashic Wisdom, on, Station 2, Sunday evenings 8 PM PT or 11 PM Eastern Time.
Dahna will be available for in person consultations here or telephone consultations after the Fair. Email her at